Why Israel?
Our diverse group supports Israel for many different reasons. For many of us the fact that Israel espouse the same ideals of liberty, freedom and equality as the United States, and is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. Israel represents the ideals of liberalism.
For others it is the rhetoric and lies spread about Israel by media and institutions like the United Nations that icite our fervor. For other in our groups religious motivation drives support for Israel. And for still others of us the stealing of code words like "Apartheid" that are used inaccurately to defame and deligitimize Israel symbolize and injustice against not only the Israeli government but also against any and all to whom the word Apartheid is a symbol of historic oppression.
For others of us Israel is a beacon of hope, it is a homeland to those who have been persecuted. It is the epitomy of self-determination and an essurance that another ethnic cleansing of the Jewish people, like the Holocaust, can be prevented when a people determine to build a state and to protect their own. We understand fully that the Holocaust did not cause the creation of the Jewish state but rather is proof that a Jewish state must exist.